We take great care in preparing our dishes in order to for everyone to enjoy the traditional
tastes of once upon a time that are disappearing more and more.
Delicious delicacies are a gourmet’s delight. It’s like going to eat at your grandmother’s home,
that is, a grandmother who cooks well.
You will always find the two great classics of the Varzi tradition; first and foremost, salami,
which is the undisputed king of the table and ravioli with braised meat. The cold cuts are
always accompanied by warm and fried white pizza, a true indulgence.
Following the tasty appetisers are our homemade pastas such as potato gnocchi, malfatti,
tagliolini and troccoli as well as every type of filled pasta with vegetables from our garden to
steaming hot soups during the winter season.
Always keep a place for sweets; they are a must to try.